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Wood is the essence of ERGIO, being the main component of our products, so we pay special attention to the quality of wood and the processes it goes through to ensure that the end result meets the expectations of our partners.

Respecting the methodology in wood processing is the key to success in delivering a quality product.

Following centuries-old traditions with the support of the latest generation equipment, the first step in processing is to leave the raw material in the air, thus allowing a natural drying of the wood.

As the wood used in construction must have a controlled humidity of +/- 16%, a heat treatment is applied in a computerized dryer that controls through temperature sensors and the humidity of the wood material.

From here the wood material goes on one of the three production lines: Lamellar, Timber Frame, or Nordic System. For all three production flows the wood is first split to the required dimensions and then enters the specific production line.

For the lamellar, the wood material is passed through a finger jointing machine and then it is kept in the press respecting the necessary times depending on the essence, thickness, and length. It is then planned on the four faces and machined according to the characteristics of the project on a four-axis CNC.


For timber frame, you can use lamellar or solid wood which is also planed on all four sides and cut to the required dimensions and then is treated properly with flame retardant under pressure in the autoclave. After the completion of this process, the frames are completed and the other materials for cladding, insulation, and sealing of the panels are added with the MobiOne automatic production line.

For the Nordic system, after sizing and planning on the four sides, the material is then processed on an automatic CNC.

For all three flows, the last process before packaging is the quantitative and qualitative check of the finished product to ensure that it complies exactly with all ERGIO quality standards.