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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



We are looking for individuals who are eager to develop and apply their skills to create buildings where people live, work and play. If you think big. we would like to hear from you.

Build Your Future

Whatever the skyline, building, or experience that first sparked your interest in construction, we are pleased that you are interested in Our Company. Every project starts with a team of dedicated people. We are looking for individuals who are eager to develop their skills and apply them together to create buildings where people play, work, learn, and live. More than Manufacturing Naturally, We are interested in candidates with backgrounds related to construction or engineering. But, like any other company, we are also looking for individuals in fields like finance, accounting, human resources, sales, and marketing. As you browse the opportunities available at Our Company you may be surprised by the range of possibilities open to you. We know it takes a diverse team to build the future and we are looking for all types of talent to contribute.

Specialist Vanzari

Added on: 18 march 2020

Inginer Proiectant

Added on: 18 march 2020

Specialist Marketing

Added on: 18 march 2020